Marden Edwards Feature in 'In-Confectionery Magazine'
Post date: 12 October 2020

Sustainable Packaging, Versatile Machinery
The demand for sustainable and recyclable packaging materials has become a common talking point in recent years as major attention is now being placed on manufacturers providing eco-friendly packaging solutions as well as versatile overwrapping machines that provide faster operation and quick product changeover.
Packaging for Protection & Security
Marden Edwards' Commercial Manager, Gary Thick, recently sat down with International Confectionery Magazine to explain how customer requirements within the packaging industry are changing, and how now more than ever, the challenges we face with COVID-19 mean protection and security are key features for those responsible for packaging confectionery products for presentation and transit purposes.
International Confectionery Article - Packaging
Read the entire article here or click the image to download:
Confectionery Overwrapping Solutions
If you would like to find out more about our Confectionery Overwrapping machines and eco-friendly wrapping materials get in touch with our sales team today, either by calling us on 01202-861200, or via our contact form.